Mars Affects, an effect instrument for the Qu-Bit Nebulae v2.
Based on the original 'Effects' and 'World of Echo' instruments.
Yes, 'Affects' with an 'A' and Mars with an 'M'.

Changes / Enhancements to the original instrument

Two delay lines, which can be Skewed independently to create a Stereo Delay.
Reverb effect can be enriched with a Chorus-like effect.
The Reverb enrichment can be either an LFO (Pitch clockwise) or random (Pitch counter clockwise).
Two input modes: Stereo or '2x Mono mode'. Output is Stereo in both modes.
Mixing Left and Right signal, very handy in '2x Mono mode'.
Independent control for the Dry or Delay signal going into the Reverb.
Knob ranges and responses have been tweaked to go a bit more extreme.


New: Mars Affects V (zip) - v1.5 rc2, 2024-06-08 - MANUAL IN ZIP (website not updated yet)

Mars Affects (zip) - v1.4, 2021-10-05
Mars Affects (official) - v1.4; QU-Bit's Nebulae v2 Mars Affects page

Mars Affects (at Airell GitHub)
Mars Affects (at Qu-Bit-Electronix GitHub)

Also check out my other alternate instruments: Avalon and Realms.


Loading Mars Affects

An Alternate Instrument you simply put on the USB thumb drive and load it afterwards when the Nebulae is turned on.
It's not Firmware you need to flash. Mars Affects runs on Nebulae's stock firmware.

Put the mars_affects.instr file on the USB drive. It doens't load .wav files, so you don't need any.
Long press Speed until green lights appear. Rotate the Speed knob counter clock wise, until the left green led is lit.
When mars_affects.instr is the only .instr file on the USB drive, the first, left most button (Record) will be lit.
When there are more Alternate Instruments on the USB drive, press the corresponding button (in order of the .instr files on the USB) and it will be brighter.
After that, press Speed again to load Avalon.

You can always revert to the stock Granular Looper by long pressing Speed again, rotate to "12 o'clock" or a sinlge short press, and press the first button (Record).


Delay Section (Top three knobs)

Start       - Delay Time*
Speed       - Delay Skew
Size        - Feedback
Size Alt    - Delay signal to Reverb

* Unfortunately it lacks clock sync and therefore also division and multiplication.
  If you know how to do this in CSound, please let me know via GitHub.

Reverb Section (Middle three knobs)

Density     - Reverb Time
Density Alt - Pitch LFO/random Speed
Pitch       - Reverb Chorus-like Effect Amount (CCW random, CW LFO)
Pitch Alt   - Reverb Effect Feedback and 'Shift' Amount
Overlap     - Reverb Filter Colour
Overlap Alt - Dry signal to Reverb

Mixing Section (Lower two knobs and buttons)

Blend      - Delay Amount
Blend Alt  - Left level mix
Window     - Reverb Amount
Window Alt - Right level mix
Record     - Mute incoming Signal
Source     - Stereo or 2x Mono mode
Freeze     - 100% Wet
Have fun!

Main functions

PDF in .zip:

Alt/Secondary functions